Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)
Each death of a child is a tragedy for his or her family, and subsequent enquiries/investigations should keep an appropriate balance between forensic and medical requirements and the family’s need for support.
A minority of unexpected deaths are the consequence of abuse or neglect or are found to have abuse or neglect as an associated factor.
Across Luton and Bedfordshire, all statutory agencies are committed to working together to conduct coordinated enquiries.
The Bedfordshire CDOP has been set up by Child Death Review (CDR) Partners, the BLMK ICB; Bedford Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council and Luton Borough Council to review the deaths of all children under the age of 18, as requirements of the Children Act 2004, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 and Child Death Review Statutory and Operational Guidance (England) 2018.
Child death review partners currently have two designated doctors for child deaths (one for Bedfordshire and one for Luton), who will be members of the multi-agency panel to review the child deaths. The designated doctors for child deaths are senior paediatricians who will take a lead role in the review process.
The multi-agency panel is chaired by a Director of Public Health and CDOP partners will publish regular reports on how effective the arrangements for child deaths have been in practice.
A review of governance has been considered. Annual reports will continue to be shared at the local MASA meetings. Consideration has been given to ensure close collaboration with the work of the Local Maternity Transformation Board (LMS).
CDOP contact details
Sandra Watts, Child Death Overview Coordinator - Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Luton
Secure email:
Mobile: 07909 907539
Working hours: Monday to Thursday 8am to 6pm
Please complete a Death Notification here. Please only complete a notification form if you are registering a death for the first time.
Policy and guidance
Annual report
Annual Reports are published via the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board website at: BLMK ICB CDOP Annual Report 2023-24 .
Free CDOP Training
Would you like to know more about the Child Death Overview Process, emerging themes from the review of child deaths and your role if a baby/child known to you as a GP, nurse, midwife, health visitor, health care professional or social worker dies either expectedly or unexpectedly?
Aim of session: Increase knowledge and awareness of the Child Death Overview Process and your role when a child known to you dies.
Learning outcomes
- Describe the purpose of the CDOP
- Outline your role in response to unexpected deaths
- Have an understanding of emerging themes
- How these emerging themes will be integrated into your practice.
Sessions facilitated by Lead Paediatrician CDOP Bedfordshire, CDOP Manager and Bedfordshire Police.
For more information and to book a place for the sessions please see the CDOP contact details above.